“Although they are young and still make mistakes even as they make progress I am so proud of them for trying. This year is my last year at my school so I won’t be here to hold their hands the rest of the way, but I am confident that they will continue moving in the right direction.”
Will attend Eastern Connecticut State University
ke'ajha prather
Ke’Ajha Prather best demonstrated who she is when talking about her basketball and volleyball teams when she said that her favorite thing is to be a part of a team. She managed these teams for all four years, uncovering her interest in sports, but more importantly providing her with a sense of belonging during her high school years. Furthermore, it is clear that she is a team player everywhere she goes. She played trumpet in the Hartford Public High School’s l band and was captain of her student court team. This year, she had four freshman mentees who she guided throughout their first year of high school, playing an important role in their high school success. Ke’Ajah also notes that she did not get through high school on her own, and had a whole team of support and now she supports other students on their journeys.
During her high school years, Ke’Ajah completed the UConn ConnCap Program which exposed her to college life and prepared her for her future college career. She will be attending Eastern Connecticut State University in the fall.